Picture of POEM_Cluster_XPS
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This epitaxy growth equipment (clustertool UHV)  is mainly used for the development of nano and micrometric hetero-structures based on semiconductor elements of columns III-IV-V integrated on silicon substrate for photovoltaic, thermoelectric, microelectronic and photonic applications.

It is compatible with Si substrates of 4 and 8 inches.
It includes:
- An introductory airlock surrounded by a nitrogen glove box
- A chamber UHV for chemical deposition in vapour phase (UHV-CVD) with RHEED in-situ (Reflection High Energy Electron Diffraction) device
- A chamber UHV for chemical beam epitaxy (CBE) with RHEED in-situ
- One XPS/AES (X-Rays Photolélectrons Spectrometry, Auger Electrons Spectrometry) surface characterization chamber

growth the crystalline state of the deposited layers.

A fourth ultravacuum chamber of the equipment has a SEM column and an XPS system with an X-ray source (Twin anode Mg and Al) and a hemispherical spectrometer. The XPS allows to obtain the chemical composition of a surface of a material (< 10nm) by exciting it by RX and recovering the spectrum of the emitted photoelectrons. The nature of the chemical bonds and the atomic percentages are obtained by a significant treatment of the spectra obtained.
To obtain more localized surface chemical information, Auger spectrometry has been developed: in this case the sample is excited by the electrons of the SEM column and the Augers electrons are recovered by the XPS detector. Auger SAM (Scanning Auger Microscopy) imaging can be performed at µm resolution.

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